I am honestly not very good at talking to people at all wether online in real life but I hope anyone who comes across this shares some of my interests.
I'm 21. I have been living alone ever since I graduated and haven't left my apartment in 3 years. I am not proud of it, it's not an accomplishment, it's just a fact of my life. I get extremely stressed out when I have to interact with people and thus prefer to just not do that.
But I am more than some of you hikkineets living in your parents basements on here, I actually do have a job, I am a freelance programmer. That being said if you want to hire me for something, click here or on the Contact button at the top row. I have a resume of my work there too.
I really enjoy anime and playing videogames, honestly if it's anything kind of nerdy I am probably a fan of it. I'm not watching anything at the moment, maybe I've grown out if it, but if you have any recommendations please do not hesitate to tell me, I have a lot of free time. When I want to take a break from poisoning my eyes with blue light from the screen, I like to do calligraphy. I am not very good but I enjoy it. When I was younger I really liked skateboarding, but I don't even have a skateboard anymore, and if I attempted it now I would fall off immediately. In the future I would like to learn an instrument, but I don't want to be too loud and disturb the neighbors (or make them aware of my existence).
Most of my money that I don't spend on rent and basic necessities is spent on, who guessed it, computer parts. I like refurbishing old laptops, but now I'm stuck with about a dozen old windows computers that fly around my apartment. When I'm bored (which is a lot of the time) I stack them on boxes and such until their screens are overlapping and I try to display one giant image like the screens are these click in LED Panels. It usually occupies me for a really long time.
Fun fact: most of my furniture is just computer cases. When I first moved in I found it hilarious that I used an old windows pc housing as a table, but now it even has a tablecloth and everything. Stacked on top of each other I use them as drawers for my clothes. It feels like I live in a storage unit. I have a balcony, but I lost the key to it a long time ago.
If I sound miserable and lonely as you've finished reading this, it's because I am. Truth is I am simply not cut out for this life, but I'll stick around. I know I won't suffer forever.
That's all from me. And you can just call me merkewry or mercury or whatever, not putting my real name out there.